embedded system

nvidia JETSON TK1

jianna6 2015. 2. 6. 18:03

JETSON board

pen이 있는데, 시끄럽다..

wiki : http://elinux.org/Jetson_TK1

Tegra K1 processor

cpu core : Cortex-A15 4-Plus-1

Tegra시리즈는 nvidia에서 개발하는  GPU 내장 모바일 processor이다. 

성능만 추구하기보다는 모바일이라서 전력소모에 신경을 많이 썻다.


linux 설치 : https://developer.nvidia.com/linux-tegra-rel-21
Driver Packages > Jetson TK1 과 Sample file system을 다운받는다.

The directions below assume that ${RELEASE_NAME} refers to the respective package name as follows: (${BOARD} refers to 'jetson-tk1') Jetson-tk1: Tegra124_Linux_R21.2.0_armhf.tbz2 1. Download the latest L4T release package for your developer system and the sample file system from https://developer.nvidia.com/linux-tegra If NVIDIA does not yet provide public release for the developer system you have, please contact your NVIDIA support representative to obtain the latest L4T release package for use with the developer board. 2. Untar the files and assemble the rootfs: sudo tar xpf ${RELEASE_NAME} cd Linux_for_Tegra/rootfs/ sudo tar xpf ../../Tegra_Linux_Sample-Root-Filesystem_R21.2.0_armhf.tbz2 cd ../ sudo ./apply_binaries.sh 3. Flash the rootfs onto the system's internal eMMC. a) Put your system into "reset recovery mode" by holding down the RECOVERY button and press RESET button once on the main board. b) Ensure your Linux host system is connected to the target device through the USB cable for flashing. sudo ./flash.sh ${BOARD} mmcblk0p1 #This will take less than 10 minutes. 4. The target will automatically reboot upon completion of the flash. The command prompt will show up over the display that you have attached to the target. Log in as user login:ubuntu and password:ubuntu. All actions are completed unless you wish to configure the graphical desktop on your setup. You now have Linux running on your developer system. 5. Installing the graphical desktop on your target board (if not already installed): a) Make sure the Ethernet cable is connected. b) Use eth0 for the built-in Ethernet port: sudo dhclient eth0 c) Check to see if Ethernet is up and running. You should see an IP address associated with eth0. ifconfig sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop d) Reboot and the system will boot to the graphical desktop. NOTE: the above steps can be used to install other packages with "sudo apt-get install". Please refer to the release notes provided with your software for up-to-date information on platform features and use

reference : http://cafe.naver.com/gpusupercomputing/167

